Unstuck in a land of plenty

I have e-constipation.  More blog posts, emails and tweets than I can handle in the spare moments that I have to browse them.  There’s a real danger of spending more time consuming and filtering information than there is to actually do something with it.  So for this week my cry is “my PLE isn’t working!”  There’s a cull that’s needed.

No, actually what I want is to be able to put myself under the wing of somebody else who has it all worked out who can say, this week read this – it will give you a good starting point to then move on to this.  In the era of plentiful information a good mentor/educator should be able to lead and provide balance.

A plethora of tools brings its own problems: the share function means that I can move information and links between web, WordPress/Facebook/Diigo(Powernote)/Evernote/ twitter,  etc but I feel I’ve not quite whittled this down to a set of tools I want to run with.  What’s the point of bookmarking in Diigo if half your e-buddies are on Zoterro or are compulsive tweeters.

It’s easy to take a pop at the VLE (a  technological Volvo –  safe, practical but dull).  But as a student I know where to go, I have a set of tools in the VLE with which I can share information.  I don’t have to constantly check 43 sources simultaneously or fret over my tool choices.   Standardisation can bring freedom.

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